Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

"Even a small cornichon-sized zucchini emerged, looked around and decided to donate his body to the squirrels." I love a well-written, descriptive sentence. I'm also old enough to know all about Jimmy Hoffa. And, I love zucchini. I'm retired and I live in an apartment but when I lived in single-family homes (6 of them across the eastern and southern states) I always grew zucchini and loved making zucchini bread. I'm not particularly creative when I'm baking (more so when I'm cooking), so I never thought of adding cheese. I can't wait to make this recipe.

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You're sweet. I hope you make it and enjoy it and the squirrels don't get any.

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

If we plant zucchini it goes crazy and we DROWN in zucchini. So we don't plant the next year, but still get a fair crop because of random and spurious growth from seeds removed by squirrels or chipmunks. These surprises are always in the worse possible places, like between the garlic, or in the berry patch, but it makes life more interesting!

And then the next year, when we bank on the idea of random arrivals, and don't get any, we wonder if next year we should plant some. But we still have so much in the freezer from that year of plenty! :)

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Ha! I totally get this. That's what happened to me and pumpkins this year.

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Haha, nice! And I keep finding tomato plants this year too :P

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

About that eggplant parmesan...

This sounds good! I'll give it a try. I make a zucchini parmesan, of course I'm the only one in the family who loves it!

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I love zucchini parmesan!

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My husband continually wants me to grate the zucchini for parmesan. So wrong!

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Looks so delicious!! Can't wait to try this recipe, thank you for sharing it with us. I have a 2 lb. baby loaf of Tillamook sharp white cheddar I think I will shred and use for the cheddar!

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Yes. The Tillamook will be perfect.

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Loaf pan size? 8” or 9”? Thank you!

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Sorry! 8" or 9" will both work. Just adjust cooking times accordingly and start checking after 50 minutes!

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

A 2lb loaf tin I’m assuming? I’m an English woman in Australia, failed with zucchini in the UK. Now I just need one seed, one plant, for myself, the office and the freezer. Will add this to my ever growing collection of what to do with zucchini once I’m bored of eating them fresh!

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Yes, that will be perfect. I've also been enjoying just slicing them, tossing them with a little olive oil, laying them out on a sheet pan and sprinkle too much parmesan cheese on top, then roasting for until golden and bubbly at 400 degrees.

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I would love to try this, but sadly, you’re not the only woman I know who can’t grow zucchini. 😒

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I feel much less alone.

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I thought Jimmy was in Michigan?

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In Jersey we always say he's tucked under the end zone at Giants Stadium.

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I nearly asked if you lived in Giants Stadium, or Meadowlands as they are now wont to call it since the Jets moved in!

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Jul 31Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

This looks fabulous Marissa!

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Ok yum!! This goes on the schedule this week!! And many gardeners have failed at zucchini - flowers need to be pollinated. There are bugs. But glad this year went well for you!

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I made mine this morning into muffins because I wanted to eat them sooner than a loaf would take to bake. And I used Whitney cheese from Jasper Hill instead of cheddar. Left out the Parmesan and just shredded some on top. I had meant to cover tops with a zucchini flower that I had just bought at the farmers market but forgot. Next time. The muffins were delicious and I plan to take the rest of them friends later. Thx for the recipe! And yay for using whole wheat flour!

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

Are the grams for whole wheat flour off? Both are 120 gm?

I just made your blueberry scones and the grams for whole wheat was 170 in that recipe.

Just looked up standard grams and it’s 120/cup all purpose and 135 / cup whole wheat— so both recipes are “off”

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This is the first year after at least 4 tries that I have had more than one zucchini from my garden. So frustrating after hearing about people that have to leave them on neighbors’ doorsteps! I’m not a big fan of sweet zucchini bread so I leapt at the chance of a savory one - so delicious! Thank you!

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Thank you! This sounds delicious! I'm looking forward to trying this.

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Can you use almond flour instead? Wondering.

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