Jun 22Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Graduated from Goucher College in 1968. Speaker was Coretta Scott King. Such an honor to hear her. Going to my kitchen to whip up some chocolate muffins with a top-rated devil’s food cake mix. Easy-peasy!

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Jun 23Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Years ago when living in Maryland, I looked into applying to Goucher for historical preservation. In the end, could not do it. I had to continue in my established career. No regrets, though.

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My mom went to Goucher, too, in the 1950s! Having Coretta Scott King as your speaker: Amazing. Hope you enjoyed the muffins!

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Geezus, M, I hope you heal quickly. Can't wait to try both recipes! xo

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Thank you! Stitches out! LMK if you make them!

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Such a fun post - bravo!

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thank you!

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Jun 23Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I like using boxed mixes and amping up the taste. Sorry to hear about the slip and fall. You and Calvin have had a rough time.

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Jun 23Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I have zero memory of my HS graduation speaker, 40 years ago this month! I led an unsuccessful effort to dump the usual Pomp and Circumstance March 1 and replace it with Pomp and Circumstance March 4. (The one Charles chose for he and Diana to leave St. Paul's to three years earlier. Their marriage wasn't quite dead yet.) I loathe the "graduation theme" but love the mnemonic written by Josefa Haifitz for it:

"Some music is pompous

Some music is wan

Some mentis are compos

Some mentis are non."

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Love the mnemonic.

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Jun 22Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Followed on IG! Least I can with the joy you provide me each week with your articles : )

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Oh that is lovely! Thank you!

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I hope that you're feeling better soon. More licks and sips, zero slips! Thank you for the recipe.

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Beate Sirota Gordon was our commencement speaker (Mills College 2011). She captivated with her wit and story. She had been appointed by General MacArthur to help write the constitution for Japan. After her speech, I googled all the YouTube videos possible. She loved speaking to students and was a vivid example of how one person can make a huge difference. As a result, women in Japan have rights that women in the USA have yet to enjoy. She was a Mills alumna as well.

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The commencement address is here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O6GIcAlJeZ8

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This newsletter had me laughing & licking my lips! a restaurant once offered for dessert popsicles in champagne. They were delicious! Outshine pops are super yummy so I'm on board. and definitely going to make the mini muffins for my knitting group's next meet. Congrats to your son!

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You are wonderful, Marissa!!

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I never thought about putting an ice pop into alcohol but this is genius. I hope. you're recuperating and these ice pops should help. I had to go to my high school graduation because the nuns said they wouldn't give us our diplomas if we didn't show up and, in the day, you didn't mess with the nuns (at least not openly). I didn't attend my college, MBA or PhD graduations because no one in my family, or my ex-husband for my MBA and PhD (notice the ex), wanted to attend. I was so excited when my daughter was going to graduate from college because the speaker was going to be Nancy Pelosi. But alas, COVID cancelled it all. I did go to her masters graduation and they had a student speak. She'd been voted on by all the masters students in that program and did a fantastic job. As a retired academic I attended a gazillion undergraduate and graduate commencements and I can tell you it's horridly hot under those robes, my baret would not stay on my head even with bobby pins, and the hood (the thing that goes around you neck and hangs in back) can choke you. But, commencement is really about the parents, siblings, grandparents and others who have supported the graduate and I loved seeing all those very happy faces.

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I’ve also seen popsicles in a glass with bubbles.

I’ll have to look for those popsicles. But plain, as I don’t do alcohol. But lime pops after tacos or nachos sounds good.

And welcome to the Cake Mix Dr (Anne Byrn) club.

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