I'm a new mom so I won't be an empty nester for years to come but the state of the world (here & abroad) weighs on me and I can only hold my daughter closer because of it. This part, as simple as it reads: "Please take care of yourselves. Deep breaths. Eat something nice. The fight is up to us" felt like a virtual hug. 🩡

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As a mama of a 2 y/o girl, I totally feel this sentiment. Take care of yourself and have a treat today πŸ’“

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Ditto! πŸ«ΆπŸ“πŸŒΈ

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Jul 3Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I am looking forward to trying this recipe. We love lime & ginger in this household. I may have to sub local peaches πŸ‘ but yummy yum yum!

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Oh, local peaches will be delightful. Jealous.

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This recipe, as usual, sounds great and I already have most of the ingredients. It's an easy recipe and I like that too. The Supreme Court's recent decisions, including immunity, make it very clear they are smoothing the path so a conservative President can implement Project 2025. It doesn't matter which political party you support, you should read this (or a summary) as it makes it clear that they want to dismantle our democracy (think Bannon), and force their beliefs on everyone. Everyone really needs to ask themselves who do you trust to be the President with absolute and presumptive immunity. Forget policies for the moment. It's been proven that Trump made millions for himself and his immediate family (except Tiffany) by being President (Jared make billions). How much more do you think he can make for himself and his family with immunity? If you're the CEO of corporation XYZ, stop by the Oval, agree to pay Trump $XXXXX and he'll tell any administrative agency you don't like to step back. He already told oil & gas execs to give him a billion and he'll fix those regulations. There will be no accountability as it's a core official act to meet with CEOs to discuss policies. Need a pardon, he has a price schedule. Pardons are core official acts. It is truly time for everyone to put country over party and vote for democracy.

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Lime ginger combo sounds interesting especially with the addition of the Grand Marnier added into the recipe. I have been so bummed out about everything going on I temporarily had to pull back and shut down, not go away but I can't stand all the hand wringing and 2nd guessing. Just self-preservation. It will help me stay strong in the end. Just bought a big bag of πŸ’ cherries. How about a cherry recipe?

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Here's an amazing recipe for cherry salad β€” no need to turn on the oven β€” courtesy of Emily Nunn: https://open.substack.com/pub/emilyrnunn/p/a-splendid-spicy-cherry-salad?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=5w0xb

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Thank you for the recipe - it sounds fabulous. I will be leaving your site, however - the reason being that you decided to turn your site into a political statement which I disagree with. I wish you and your brother well as you fight for what you believe in. It might be good to take it easy on the comments about Mr. Trump as I have decided to do on Mr. Biden, his family's fortunes and his dementia. Good day!

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Maybe try to listen to reasonable truths before insulting a recipe & how much that recipe is helping others. I’m a survivor of sexual assault, gun violence, community assault & natural gas poisoning ALL UNDER THE TRUMP ADMIN. Go blow up a balloon please cause that’s all Trumps head is- a balloon filled with nothing but malignant narcissist air. & this was my first time posting on this page. Thanks for another ruined holiday.

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You go girl

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Jul 4Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Weird comment for someone who is "terribly angered by lies," according to your profile. πŸ˜‚

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deletedJul 5
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Jul 5Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Hi, my comment was in response to Eugenia. 😊

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(I noticed that as well about Eugenia's bio!)

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Empty nester for the first time in September here too. Love the recipe - blackberries are just about ready here in Oregon so I might use them in place of or with the nectarines! and your cat is adorable!

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The ginger shortcakes are so yummy, I could even forego all the cream.

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I cannot believe it’s taken nearly a month to see this posting and lovely recipe. Am anxious to try the shortcake, esp now we’re into red hav3e peach season here. It looks scrumptious and easy, thank you!! My empty nest has been abuzz lately with a locally living engaged grandson so daughter - his mom - has been here lots this summer and am loving it. I assure you, it’s an adjustment but survivable. On the political front, I’m with you all the way but the Harris candidacy holds great promise.

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Marissa's question: "If you were suddenly appointed the producer of a news show or the editor of a major newspaper, how would you change coverage, or would you leave it the same?"

I would hope to provide more balanced views, debate style, just the facts. I'd get rid of those click-bait headlines and "breaking news" promotions that broke the day before. The media schtick is to keep repeating an idea until the listeners believe it -- just like Trump does. Rinse and repeat the schtick enough times and it will successfully upend our Democracy. Everyone I know is beyond tired of hearing what the media wants us to hear.

Thank you for the Ginger-Lime Shortcakes with Nectarines recipe!


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