I believe Wonder Woman would use her golden lasso on members of congress that have been lying to compel them into telling the truth. This would take place in front of cameras. Although, they'd probably spin it. That pie looks scrumptious. I will be making that soon. Thank you

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I love the idea of peaches, better yet nectarines or passion fruit. Recall Mel Brook’s 2000 year old man’ s answer to everything. “Have a nectarine!”.

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Strawberries are ridiculously fabulous here in NW Oregon right now, and I'm a single mom who is both "mom and dad" AND who conveniently also loves no bake cheesecake - so this will be my "fathers day" treat to myself this weekend. Thank you for the idea, it looks divine 🍓

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Oh for goodness sake! This looks wonderful and of course I will make it to the best of my ability. Also, I am trying to be a more faithful reader of substack, but it is a whole new medium to learn. Thank you.

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I'm allergic to strawberries, so I won't be making this one!

However, I did get around to the banana chocolate chip cookies (once I bought an extra banana and didn't eat it by week's end!) Instead of the flours, I used the same amount of Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Baking Mix. They came out fine. Spouse said "you are keeping this recipe, right?"

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I'm also allergic to strawberries but I'm going to substitute blueberries, one of the few fruits I'm not allergic to.

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Ditto, so I'll use fresh picked raspberries -- soon though, when enough berries turn ripe in the back-yard (also waiting on the pie cherries and blueberries).

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Love the picture of you and your dad. What a handsome man with his good looking daughter beside him.

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Wonder Woman has no love of traitors or fascists. If members of the Tя☭mp Party try to invade the Capitol in January 2025, she’ll tell the Capitol Police to relax, she’s got this. Also, what a lovely pie!

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How much smushing goes on? I ask because I don’t really like having to use a chainsaw to get through a hard base. I never really thought about it until I recently had a cheesecake with a soft base that still held together.

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Mini family reunion this weekend. You know I'll be making this pie! (And making up poems in my head about all in attendance.)

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What a rollercoaster of a week you’ve had! Meeting Susan Eisenberg and interviewing her for your podcast must have been a blast. It's always fun to put a real face to a long-time social media friend, especially when they have such a cool job as voicing Wonder Woman. And that cheesecake recipe sounds divine – I’m definitely bookmarking that for the next time I need a showstopper dessert.

On the flip side, the news about Trump's chances in The Economist is definitely a downer. Balancing such highs and lows can be tough, but at least you’ve got a delicious dessert to lean on.

Speaking of which, that mousse-like cheesecake layered with fresh strawberry jam sounds like the perfect comfort food. I love how flexible the recipe is, especially with your suggestions for different cookie crusts and the possibility of adding fresh herbs. I might try it with Oreos next time!

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Marissa, this Double Strawberry Cheesecake Mousse Pie looks absolutely divine!! Your detailed step-by-step instructions make it seem so approachable, even for someone who isn’t a baking expert. I love the idea of layering the fresh strawberry jam both under and over the mousse. And the tip about using different cookies for the crust is a game-changer! Can’t wait to try this out and celebrate with some homemade deliciousness.

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