Manuscript due so soon! You can do it! You're almost there! (On the other hand, I, too, was diverted this morning by the blue dishwashing soap/glass shower door cleaning technique...) xo

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On November 6th, will you write and explain that cleaning technique to me???

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Me, too!

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In fact, it looked too complicated: It seems there's more than one ingredient involved, which means—except for cookie recipes—it's too labor-intensive for me. xo

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Oct 4Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I'm looking forward to your completed cookbook being in my hands so I can make these for my friends.

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My current favorite bird is a Great Horned Owl who roosts in our neighbor’s tree in the wee hours of the morning. He’s there most days; when he’s not, I try to console myself with circle-of-life talk. But he continues to return, so far. His name is Whoofer, and I have no clue of his gender.

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I love this. I'm a costume designer and when I have to do my costume sketches it can feel overwhelming, so I will sometimes start with what I call "bad drawings." I will deliberately make some garbage drawings to shove my self-critic out of the way so I can get started on the real work. I also do this with writing, sometimes going so far as to start my draft with "blah, blah, blah." But it works. Although I will admit, this is also how my map drawer got organized (before google maps) and how my silver gets polished.

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The picture of cookies looks so good I just wanted to help myself to several. I cleaned out most of my old spices but promised myself the entire (very large) pantry would be cleaned out/organized. I'll get to it one of these days. So many projects, large and small need to be done, but am very reluctant to go ahead with another expensive project til after the election. Harris/Walz just have to win for democracy and the welfare of all.

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Short of a catastrophic container failure, I know that when I find myself emptying and scrubbing out the fridge, that I'm avoiding what I really should be doing. And like Anne's brother, had I just taken it bird by bird the whole thing wouldn't feel so impossible and scary. Funny how we have to relearn the same things over and over and over... In the meantime, I'm distracting myself with witty Substack entries and watching the hummingbirds at the feeder just outside my desk window. Anything to keep me from thinking about the election.

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Hilarious! 🤣 I had to write a speech for my sister’s wedding last week… you can likely believe how many random things I got done around my house!!! (I finished the speech the morning of the wedding, one hour before I had to leave for my hair and makeup call-time. 😅)

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I am also finding myself cleaning the things not cleaned in the wake of a child having left for freshman year of college. My most recent: pulling out the crumb drawer of the toaster and going through the spice cabinet to toss the mixes that are turning grey with age.

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Yes! I did both those things this year (and I, too, have a freshman in college.

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Thinking I'll go through the mug cabinet this weekend.

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Since I still have a list of cookies and things from your newsletters to bake (I keep a list) I'm good with having some time to catch up. I spent my professional career (academic) reading, researching and writing (as well as teaching and going to meetings) so I completely understand the issues. I have a very long history of waiting until the last minute to actually write and, unfortunately, I was always rewarded for this behavior. Even worse, I never had a deadline for writing, it was all self-motivated (not really helpful). However, I viewed the "waiting" as important to the process. I used that time to think about the article, to read and conduct research, and to organize everything in my head. I never wrote outlines. When I thought that I had it all in order I'd then begin to type and I'd go at it day and night for a couple of days. Then I'd set it aside and proof-read it after a couple of days. After that, it was off to the editor of whatever journal I was submitting it to. Everyone has certain skills and this was mine. But, I don't sing in public for a reason, I can't draw anything but a leafless winter tree (the same one I drew in grade school), I couldn't write a novel (not good with description or dialogue). I can, however, bake cookies but only with a good recipe. I can't wait for your cookbook even though it'll make my "to bake" list even longer.

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My bird by bird issue is piano practice. I love taking lessons, I’m not good at practicing, it always happens at the tail end of the day when all else is off my mind and I can focus. But by then, I’m also tired. So 8 plug away at thinking I’ll get it done earlier but then sit on the bench and remember the phone calls I needed to make. So it goes….winter approaches with more time spent indoors and hopefully better focus on practice. Why do I do this at 77? It’s good for the brain but also the soul. Despite my excuse making, once I’m there I enjoy it.

The plate of cookies looks incredible and makes me hungry. Can’t wait to see your cookie book!

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Win-win because after you finish your writing for the day, you will have a spotless kitchen to enjoy. It would not happen in the reverse!

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I wrote you a while back about the delightfully surprising CC cookies with freeze dried strawberries. I made them again for a Vote Forward letter party and discovered that if, by some chance, you've not completely crushed up the berries and some berry powder escapes onto the cookie sheet, you get an added treat: a hunk of chewy baked strawberry! Yum yum.

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And an oh! Thank you! to you! PS, may I have some?

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Marissa, it's a way of processing. You have a lot on your plate, and I'm not talking cookies. Stick to your priorities and the cake will come.

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Thank you for the much-needed(at this end)motivational read, and for all your wonderful recipes. They've all been winners!

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Must have been blue dishwashing liquid day. I diluted it in a spray bottle of water and went after the persistent whitefly infestation in my courtyard. Twice. My desk is really tidy too. The chapbook I've committed to finishing is not.

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