May 24·edited May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

This looks delicious. The perfect dessert for a hot day. My strawberries have a use right now so I will have to get some more. Mine will be transformed into strawberry margarita jam over this long weekend.

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Strawberry margarita jam? Um, please move next door.

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May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Sounds good! Can you post the recipe?

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

The recipe is from the Preservation Society Home Preserves book which I highly recommend.

10.5 oZ limes (about 3 medium) 300 g

3 cups water 750 mL

3.3 lbs strawberries 1.5 kg

4 1/4 cups granulated sugar 850 g

6 tbsp lemon juice 90 mL

2 tsp kosher salt 10 mL

Itsp citric acid 5 mL

1/3 сир silver tequila 75 mL

3 tosp triple sec 45 mL


(8 OZ/250 ML EACH)


If you don't have a kitchen scale, you'll need 9¾ cups (2.3 L) halved hulled strawberries (or quartered, if large) for this recipe.

If using fresh lemon juice, you'll need about 2 lemons for 6 tbsp (90 mL) lemon juice.

It's best to let this jam mellow out a bit and let the flavors meld before eating it. Try to wait at least 2 weeks.

Quarter the limes lengthwise and slice them as thinly as possible. Place them in a bowl with the water and let soak overnight.

The next day, transfer the limes and water to a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the limes are tender and most of the water has evaporated, about 1 hour.

Meanwhile, hull and halve the strawberries (or quarter them, if large), and mix with the sugar in a large bowl.

Let stand to macerate until the limes are ready.

In the meantime, prepare the jars and lids.

When the limes are ready, add the strawberry-sugar mixture and the lemon juice. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to a boil, stirring often. Boil hard, stirring often, until froth subsides and bubbles become regular and sputter violently. Test jam for doneness (see page 17). When the setting point is reached, remove from heat and stir in the salt and citric acid. Let rest for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the tequila and triple sec.

Ladle jam into the hot jars to within ¼ inch (0.5 cm) of the rim. Remove any air bubbles and wipe rims. Place the lids on the jars and screw the bands on until fingertip-tight. Process in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes.


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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I’m interested in the recipe, too.

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Oh my G-d how wonderful! As medicating as watching West Wing on perpetual loop! Always grateful!

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I'm afraid not even this delicious-looking tart can distract me from our world turned upside down. Questions abound... what does Clarence Thomas have against Black people (now he's grumbling about Brown vs Board of Education)? How have millions of Americans been brainwashed and rendered unable to access their own logic or intuition? How could Trump be ahead in ANY national polls? Are we doomed? Will we have to move? What about the cats?!

Maybe I do need to make this tart... it does seem like a lovely distraction.

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"What about the cats?!" I am hoping AI turns them into our overlords.

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I feel compelled to search for an occasion to make this for. Because as delicious as I know it will be, I don't think I can eat the whole thing myself.

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It does hold up nicely in the fridge...

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May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Regarding SCOTUS-MODUS, you are NOT alone — but don't get me started!

This tart sounds delicious and creamy. I will give it a try.

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May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

Marissa! When do you add the cornstarch?

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With the other ingredients! I just fixed the recipe. Grazie!

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May 26Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I refreshed the page and downloaded the .pdf and I still don't see where you add the corn starch.

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the corn starch gets added in with all the curd ingredients. you should find that now in the recipe on the page and in the pdf! thanks!

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May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

If I were a betting person I would guess that it all goes in before microwaving.

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

When I go to do it I’m told one may not manage one’s subscription in the app.

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Ja, not so efficient on Substack's behalf. Esp, when most of the world uses an app! Sorry for the hassle.

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

You are NOT alone in your thoughts and yes, get outside, appreciate the flowers and the trees! This tart looks wonderful!

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May 25Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

It all sounds beyond amazing- but I could happily make the tart shell alone and just gobble it …

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TBH, my plan today is to do just that, but maybe, just maybe also smooth some chocolate chips over the top of the crust when it's still warm.....If you sprinkle the chips on top, let them sit for 5 minutes, they'll be spreadable from the residual heat of the dough. Then they'll harden up and you will have a dreamy cookie. Giant cookie.

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May 24Liked by Marissa Rothkopf

I can hardly wait to try making cord in the microwave.

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It's so mindless.

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Sounds yummy. Did I miss the quantities for the whipped cream and add-ins?

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Any clues on a non-dairy version?

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Mykonos non-dairy butter is my go-to for baking. As far as whipped cream subs and sour cream subs, the supermarkets near me have a lot of good options. I, unfortunately, haven't tried the whipped cream subs yet, but lmk if you do!

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